Chanukah 2017 Take a Spin Around Trap Music for Night 4

Kosha Dillz Brings Lil Jon to Chanukah

For the fourth night of Chanukah, we give you one of the finest hip-hop holiday songs you'll ever hear.

Kosha Dillz performs at the Davis Academy in April 2015.

Chanukah is one of the most festive of our festivals, so the AJT is spreading the fun by sharing one fun holiday video for each night of the Festival of Lights.

If you’ve paid close attention to the AJT’s coverage of the Jewish music scene in recent years, you’ve no doubt noticed rapper Kosher Dillz, who performs in the Atlanta area with some regularity. For example, he helped the Atlanta Jewish Music Festival lead a celebration of Yom HaAtzmaut at the Davis Academy in 2015.

Now Dillz is out with “Dreidel Trap,” a fresh Chanukah collaboration with content creator Meir Kay, and we’re happy to share it as your video gift for the fourth night of the festival. Here’s the note he sent along about the video:

So many Hanukah songs bring boredom, and this might the most unique collaborative story.

“Dreidel Trap” features samples from Lil Jon, S’vivon Sov Sov Sov, and production from upcoming South LA producer Mike Car$on. In light of the dispute involving Jerusalem this past week, “Dreidel Trap” raps about the origin of the Jerusalem miracle, where Maccabees fought off the Greek-Syrian army during the re-dedication of the 2nd Temple.

The song also features inspirational content creator Meir Kay, who has created videos such as the homeless makeover and “A Valuable Lesson for a Happier Life” which has over 250 million views. The Lil Jon sample was a Hanukah story in itself, as Kosha worked with him originally on a TV show where he performed at Lil Jon’s Jewish-themed party called “Lil Jonica” at a multimillion-dollar Hollywood Hills estate.

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