The Latest Fun And Events From Torah Day School


Bricks4Kidz, Tu B’Shevat, Geography and Bracha Bees


1. TDSA held a Geography Bee with the fourth through eighth grade girls. The winner, pictured, has the opportunity to enter the State Geography Bee. The contest is sponsored by National Geographic.





2. The third, fourth and fifth grade boys classes held a Bracha Bee. It was an incredibly exciting contest, ending in a tie.





3. TDSA hosted Bricks4Kidz for every class. The students built pyramids, whirly-gigs, and pulleys. Pictured are fifth grade girls enjoying this enrichment opportunity.





4. The second grade girls received their chumashim after their wonderful performance.





5. In honor of Tu B’Shevat, the fifth grade girls created professional looking fruit shaped marzipan treats. They started with blocks of plain marzipan, and with their creativity and food coloring, created gorgeous fruits.




6. The fourth through eighth grade boys held a Geography Bee. Pictured are the winner and first runner up. Winners may participate in the state-wide Geography Bee sponsored by National Geographic.




7. Mr. Fishel Paley, a local landscape architect, spoke to children in kindergarten and first grade about the planting process. This was in honor of Tu B’Shevat. Pictured are the girls and their teacher following their onstage production for proud parents, grand-parents, siblings and more.



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