Letter From The Publisher: Where Did the Time Go?


Where Did the Time Go?

It seems like only yesterday, but March 1, 2014 will be the two-year anniversary of taking over the Atlanta Jewish Times.

I anticipated writing a nice letter for this week, highlighting the successes and thanking everyone who has supported the AJT during the last two years. Unfortunately, that let- ter will have to wait. My mother just passed away. She was 84, but I always thought of her as being in her 50’s. When did she get old? When did I get old?

Since October, my mother has been in and out of hospitals and rehab centers in Florida. I was able to visit my mother numerous times during the last few months; much more frequently than in years past. It was nice to visit my mother; however, it was weird.

She really seemed like a different person with the tracheostomy and hooked to a ventilator. The reality was that she was the same person, just 84, not 54.

Prior to her final passing, she had already “died” four times in the last three months, but had been revived each time. She was also a breast cancer survivor. My mother was a fighter. Ultimately, she died peacefully in her sleep at night. Her struggle was over.

I will be headed down to Florida soon. I will not be here to plan, write, edit, and lay-out next week’s paper. As such, there will be no Atlanta Jewish Times for March 7, 2014. The paper will resume on March 14, 2014 with a special Health & Wellness/Purim issue.

I will inform you – our readers – about all of the AJT’s wonderful people, events, and accomplishments from the last two years then. Thank you for your understanding.

I want to leave you with two well- known Latin expressions. First, tempus fugit. Whether you like it or not, time flees and we often do not even realize it. Second, carpe diem. Because time is fleeting and precious, seize the day, and make the most of the time and opportunities that you have.


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