Letters to the Editor Opinion

Letter to the Editor: Debbie Levin

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Comprehensive Care for Alzheimer’s Act

It is estimated that nearly 13 million Americans will have Alzheimer’s [disease] by 2050, so it is critical we find better ways to care for them. Georgia has 150,000 people with Alzheimer’s and other dementia. By enhancing the coordination of dementia care, we can lessen the burden for individuals and their caregivers while reducing health care costs.

In 2020, caregivers for people with Alzheimer’s and other dementia provided an estimated 15.3 billion hours of care valued at nearly $257 billion.

It is extremely difficult for caregivers to navigate the maze of services and providers needed to care for someone with Alzheimer’s and other dementia. My family experienced this while taking care of both of my parents who suffered with Alzheimer’s for a total of 18 years. Coordinated Dementia Care Management will lead to improved outcomes for patients and caregivers and will lower Medicare costs. The Comprehensive Care for Alzheimer’s Act is the first step in being able to provide more integrated care and help caregivers navigate the complicated system.

Please join me and the Alzheimer’s Association in asking Sen. Raphael Warnock to co-sponsor the Comprehensive Care for Alzheimer’s Act. Additionally, I want to thank Senator Warnock for joining the Alzheimer’s Congressional Task Force. To learn more about this disease and how you can join the fight to end Alzheimer’s, visit www.alzimpact.org.

Debbie Levin, Atlanta

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