Letters to the Editor Opinion

Letter to the Editor: Diana C. Zinn

The AJT welcomes your letters. If you would like your letter to be published, please write 200 words or less, include your name, phone number and email, and send it to editor@atljewishtimes.com.

I was wondering if the AJT offers its readers perspectives of the often differences between the religious beliefs and the secular thought.

The recent LGBTQ parade in Tel Aviv is another example of how the religious view is in contrast to the secular world.

Like many Jews who are rediscovering their heritage, I am just not sure why there should be a cover up or any censorship of Torah Judaism. It seems antisemitic for a publication for Jewish people to have anathema about our heritage. I think your readers should know that there are definitely both viewpoints.

Diana C. Zinn, Atlanta

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