Letter to the Editor Opinion

Letter to the Editor: Jake Pickering

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Letter to the editor,


“Everything Trump Touches Dies” is a book written by Republican Rick Wilson in 2018. The GOP committed suicide making Trump king. Now their mad king just killed “The Braves.” Atlanta will need a new baseball team name because Trump just did the Tomahawk Chop. That World Series visual is too racist and controversial to stop! Giving evidence of their bigotry for eternity. The Tomahawk Chop is one 90-degree turn away from being a “Sieg Heil” salute, y’all. Atlanta will lose their MLB name The Braves. Native Americans are not your mascots, GA.

Don’t like change? So, you’re a coward too? Crybaby conservative deep southern dolts are long-gone members of the Trump Cult. For that reason alone, “The Braves” are over!

Making Trump the face of the Atlanta MLB franchise will force Major League Baseball to react. “The Braves “will need to go away for good now. Why not go out while on top as the final act? Atlanta is too classy now for racist nonsense. Mocking Native Americans is way too dense. Change your baseball team’s name now! Who cares if Trump’s Republicans have a cow?

But seeing former President Donald Trump do the Tomahawk Chop may finally explain what’s up with his hair. You thought it was plugs and a combover? Nope, Trump was Tomahawk Chopped up there!

[Insert Atlanta’s annoying, mocking crowd chant here imitating a native war song…]

Jake Pickering, Arcata, Calif. 

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