Letters to the Editor Opinion

Letter to the Editor: Larry Shapiro

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Letter to the editor,

U.S. Plans for Two-State Solution Appear Stymied, By Jan Haben-Eilon, Dec. 27, 2023

Eight times, the Palestinians were presented with land for peace proposals. One from the UN, another from the USA, and six from Israel. All eight were rejected without responsible counteroffers. The reason these peace offers were rejected is that the Palestinians claim all of Israel is stolen land and all its people occupiers. If one of the parties refuses to accept the legitimacy of the other, there is no possibility for peace and obviously, no two states living in harmony.

It would appear that the U.S. government is living in a dream world to base its Middle East policy on a two-state solution when it knows that one of the parties refuses to accept the legitimacy of the other. Carrying on with an impossible policy has to be a political decision not one based on reality. Even the rich Gulf oil states are impatient with Palestinian intransigence. Saudi Arabia and the UAE have recommended that Palestinian president Abbas resign so that Palestinian society can reform itself to a: be qualified rule Gaza, and b: accept Israeli legitimacy so as to function in the peaceful Middle East that both these countries have embraced.

Larry Shapiro, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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