Opinion Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Mitchell Kaye

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Letter to the editor,

Your article on BLM: My grown children explained to me that as Jews during the Holocaust, we would be offended if someone said all lives matter because were being singled out. Same for the current situation with Blacks. The lives of all Blacks matter!

HOWEVER, although the lives of all Blacks matter, BLM is an anti-Semitic, anti-Israel group that often preaches violence. That difference is getting lost in the media. More Black lives have been snuffed out since the murder of George Floyd, but it almost goes unreported. Look at how the crime/murder rate has skyrocketed since in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, NYC and even Atlanta. Defund the police, BDS, etc., are some of those goals.

Thanks for all that you do!

Mitchell Kaye, Atlanta

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