Opinion Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Richard Sherman, Margate, Fla.

Richard Sherman touts that an American Jew to stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter is to embrace its anti-Semitic platform.

Letter to the editor,

For any American Jew to stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter is to embrace its anti-Semitic platform.

Just read the platform of BLM. It could have been written by Hamas; its charter in Article 7 demands the murder of every Jew on earth, and it sounds like “Mein Kampf.” It declares that the Jewish people of Israel perpetrate genocide against Palestinian Arabs and that Israel is an apartheid state. That same BLM platform supports Omar Barghouti’s anti-Semitic genocidal BDS movement. Barghouti, the co-founder of BDS, has said the SOLE purpose of BDS is the euthanasia of the Zionist dream of Israel. A student of history, Barghouti knows full well that the Nazi T4 Euthanasia Program was the foundation of the Final Solution of the Jews as enacted in the Wannsee Protocol in January 1942. Barghouti’s use of the word euthanasia leaves no doubt he co-founded BDS to continue the anti-Semitic eliminationist mission formalized by Reinhard Heydrich and Adolf Eichmann at the Wannsee Conference.

There are many worthwhile civil rights organizations in the United States that do not wallow in anti-Semitism as BLM does. At this time of unrest, it is worth remembering an op-ed by Congressman John Lewis in the San Francisco Chronicle in January 2002. In that op-ed commemorating Martin Luther King Day, Congressman Lewis recalled the wise and prescient words of Dr. King spoken at Harvard University a few weeks before his death: “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews; you’re talking antisemitism.” For a Jew to support BLM is to have the myopic mentality of the judenrat. We all know how that worked out.

Richard Sherman, Margate, Fla.

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