Opinion Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Sherry Frank and Lisa Rovinsky

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Letter to the editor,

Regarding: Supreme Court Decision – Reproductive Health/Justice

We applaud the Supreme Court decision today upholding settled precedent and defending our rights, striking down a Louisiana law designed to impose medically unnecessary requirements on providers and to block patients from obtaining time-sensitive essential health care. Once again, the court upheld our constitutionally protected right to bodily autonomy, ensuring that the state’s three clinics can remain open and continue to serve the nearly 10,000 Louisianans seeking safe and legal abortions every year.

NCJW has been fighting for reproductive health, rights and justice for a century. From our founding of Mothers Health Clinics in the 1920s, to our powerful advocacy against the wave of abortion restrictions and bans being enacted across the country today, we will not stop now. We will continue to fight to ensure that all can access the full range of reproductive health care services, including abortion, no matter who they are, where they live, or how much money they make.

Sherry Frank, president, NCJW Atlanta Section, and Lisa Rovinsky, NCJW Atlanta advocacy chair

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