Letter to the Editor Opinion

Letter to the Editor: Sherry Frank

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Letter to the editor,

I was delighted to be included in the recent AJT article, Legacy for Legendary Jewish Georgians” with so many other accomplished Jewish Georgians. I do, however, have one minor correction to make to the recent comprehensive article.

In August 2020, while celebrating NCJW‘s 125th anniversary in Atlanta, NCJW the organization partnered with The Breman Museum to present a forum highlighting the work of five of NCJW Atlanta’s past presidents: Marilyn Shubin, Lila Hertz, Nancy Levine, Holly Strelzik, and Beth Sugarman. I’m thrilled that these influential women are being included in The Breman Museum‘s permanent collection. However, in the article, Barbara Sugarman and Michal Hilman were cited as past NCJW presidents. While these marvelous women did not serve in this capacity, they are longtime, treasured members and leaders of NCJW Atlanta.

Sherry Frank, Co-president – NCJW Atlanta Section

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