Letter to the Editor Opinion

Letter to the Editor: Toby F. Block

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Letter to the editor,

Thinking U.S. Aid to Israel Atlanta Jewish Times October 31, 2021

Yes, Israel is “militarily and economically strong,” but there are thousands of missiles aimed at Israeli population centers. Israel’s enemies are working on schemes for defeating Iron Dome, and the Biden administration has eased sanctions on Iran, allowing Iran to send more money to its proxies, so that they can continue attacking Israel.

The Biden Administration is also considering to resume aid to the Palestinians, so this is not the best time for Israel to tell the U.S., “We don’t need you.” Yet the points made by Michael Oren, Yehudah Klein HaLevi, and Donniel Hartman do have some validity. American aid to Israel benefits the U.S. as well as Israel and receipt of American aid should not be seen as granting the U.S. veto power over decisions concerning sovereignty in Jerusalem, construction in Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria, or tactics used in Israeli response to attacks from Gaza.

A recent article by Morton Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America, pointed to the “Biden Doctrine,” enunciated by then Senator Biden in 2001. In a speech to the ZOA, Biden said that the U.S. should not publicly criticize its friend and ally, Israel, because such criticism emboldens those who “harbor elimination of Israel as their sacred goal.” It is time for Israel to seek a change in its relationship with the U.S. from one of “client and sponsor” to one of two democracies, united in efforts to fight terrorism and racism (including antisemitism).

Toby F. Block, Atlanta

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