Letters to the Editor: 6/24/16

Not With Trump

In response to Bernie Marcus (“Why I’m With Trump,” June 10), here’s why I’m not with Trump:

Click here to read Bernie Marcus’ June 10 column on Donald Trump. 
  1. His Supreme Court nominees do not provide balance. These Scalia-type nominees take our country backward.
  2. His positions on many women’s legal family planning and health care choices are punitive.
  3. His complete lack of common sense in being open to restricting or controlling the sale of certain assault firearms shows no concern for the violence that is occurring far too often in our communities.
  4. Coarseness, vulgarity and total self-promotion are not welcome virtues. This is not the direction I would take, and I am not a member of the media or academia.

— Livvy Kazer Lipson, Atlanta

J Street’s Approach Wrong

Daniel Arnon wrote about the difficult choices facing Israel (“2-State Solution: A Fantasy Worth Pursuing,” June 3). He lamented perceived racism in Israeli society and Israel’s apparent failure to take bold moves for peace. He concluded that this situation leads him to support J Street leader Jeremy Ben Ami’s vision for change.

Those who want Israel to survive, and those who want a two-state solution, should not be backing J Street. It calls for one-sided pressure on Israel and more aid to Palestinians while ignoring unwavering Palestinian rejection of a permanent Israel of any size. A two-state solution in that tiny area can only come about when Palestinian desire for statehood replaces the obsession with destroying Israel.

Advances in peace have been driven by Arab leaders such as President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, who was actually prepared to make peace. Israeli leaders of every stripe have taken courageous and risky initiatives when there actually is a peace partner. Mahmoud Abbas has shown that he is not a peace partner, and his likely successors could be worse. Palestinian leaders are given a free pass for racism and incitement to violence that would be the target of immediate international excoriation if uttered by any Israeli leader.

One-sided “bold moves” such as the Gaza handover led to the election of Hamas and thousands of rocket attacks. The handover of much of the West Bank to Fatah led to more attacks, combined with more demands and intensified political warfare.

When faced with an implacable foe, Israel has very limited options. It cannot survive the West Bank becoming a base for rocket launchers as did Gaza.

Rather than call for pressure on Israel, those who want peace should call for Palestinian leaders to be held responsible for their actions. Aid should be made contingent on ending incitement and replacing indoctrination for endless conflict with education for peace. In addition, there has to be a realization that it will take decades to resolve the conflict, and “bold moves” could well make things far worse.

— Doron Lubinsky, Sandy Springs

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