Opinion Letters to the Editor

Letters: In Parkland’s Aftermath

Donald Trump's response is criticized, as is the AJT's focus on the five Jewish victims.

Cartoon by Milt Priggee, Oak Harbor, Wash., Cagle Cartoons

Political Cowardice

An undocumented immigrant murders a citizen, and what do Donald Trump and his fellow travelers offer us? A multibillion-dollar wall and xenophobia.

Gun-toting Americans butcher our neighbors, and what do Donald Trump and his fellow travelers offer us? Their “thoughts and prayers.”

The threat of nuclear-weaponized North Korea and Iran doesn’t scare me half as much as the political cowardice and mumbo-jumbo of those sworn to safeguard our domestic tranquility. This is old news. I wish it were fake.

Rabbi Scott B. Saulson, Atlanta

Grieve for All 17

I am appalled to see this week’s headline on the AJT e-newsletter, “5 of the 17 Were Jewish.” Are the other 12 any less important? Are the parents of the other 12 not grieving? Were the other 12 not smart, scholarly, kind and loving?

I understand this is a Jewish newspaper, but as such, aren’t we commanded to recognize all people as equal?

My tears are for all 17, as yours should be as well.

— Jacqueline Granath, Dunwoody

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