Letters: John Lewis; Brad Lichtenstein

Undermining System

The following is an open letter to Rep. John Lewis.

As a longtime constituent and past contributor of yours, I am deeply disturbed and disappointed by your recent comments about our presidential election. As an elected representative, you have to uphold the Constitution and represent all the people in your district, but your actions speak otherwise. To question the legitimacy of the results of our recent election undermines the democratic process on which our great country was founded. Do you wish to overthrow our new president?
It is time for you to resign from Congress and let your legacy as a national leader for civil rights define your career.

— Cookie Shapiro, Smyrna

See Lichtenstein Film

I was surprised that in the description of the Brad Lichtenstein film “There Are Jews Here” (“More Jews Than History Here,” Jan. 13), we were not told who Lichtenstein, the scion of a notable Atlanta family, is.

I do not know how old Brad is now; I met him on a boat on the Sea of Galilee with his parents, Marc and Brenda Lichtenstein. I met him again a few times in New York. I have not seen the new film, but I have seen several outstanding films of his.

Brad is from the wonderful and notable Lichtenstein family of Atlanta. Brad’s great-grandfather Morris Lichtenstein was the Ashkenazi Atlanta Jew who made the Temple Jews stand up and take notice. In 1906 he worked out the unity package that helped the Jewish Educational Alliance come into being in March 1911. A great leader, Morris Lichtenstein performed many acts of benevolence, and he saved Atlanta Jewry 10 years before the Leo Frank case when a Jewish laborer was murdered.

I hope everyone who can sees Brad’s film.

— Rabbi David Geffen, Jerusalem

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