
Letters to the Editor: War, Not a Setback

Readers give their thoughts on the AJT's coverage of the Six-Day War.

The Western Wall stands as the ultimate symbol of what was gained in the Six-Day War. Jews were barred from the holy site from 1948 until Israel reunified Jerusalem in 1967.

War, Not a Setback 

So Ilise Cohen of Jewish Voice for Peace thinks the Six-Day War is a misnomer (“Divine Act or Loss of Soul?” May 19). No, it is the naqsa, a setback for Palestinians, while 1948 was the naqba, a disaster. In this spirit, we ought to stop calling World War II, World War II. Instead, it should be called a setback for Nazis.

If you don’t think there is merit in this analogy, consider this: Both the 1948 and 1967 wars were initiated or instigated by Arab leaders pledging Israel’s destruction. Palestinian leaders endorsed genocide of Jews not only in World War II, but also in 1948 and in 1967.

Hamas continues to do so publicly to this day, while Mahmoud Abbas is coyer. His Palestinian Authority named town squares in Jenin and Tulkarem after terrorists, even as President Trump was visiting the Middle East (see Palestinian Media Watch, palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=157&doc_id=21131).

In no other conflict does the group that was attacked and whose legitimacy is denied continually apologize for winning a war of survival. Moreover, it is hypocritical for “progressive Jews” living in the vast expanse of the United States to prate to Israelis that they should return to the situation of being a country 9 to 14 miles wide at their most densely populated center.

It might be different if there were Palestinian leaders genuinely prepared to accept coexistence. However, all Palestinian leaders make it clear that a state in the West Bank will not end the conflict. Rather, it will be used as an intermediate step for their primary goal, the destruction of Israel.

— Doron Lubinsky, Sandy Springs

Cohen Incomprehensible

I am a 14-year-old student at an Atlanta-area Jewish day school, and while reading “Divine Act or Loss of Soul?” I couldn’t believe the quote that the AJT printed by Ilise Cohen. I read it and reread it and couldn’t believe it.

Cohen said, “Calling it the war of 1967 or the Six-Day War comes from a particular Jewish narrative.”

I can somewhat fathom that “Six-Day War” is sort of bragging about the victory, but calling the war “the war of 1967” is simply stating a fact. How could it be called anything more neutral? Calling it “the War From June 5 Through June 10, 1967, Between the State of Israel and the Arab Coalition”?

Cohen’s statement continued to be extremely hypocritical, explaining how she believes that Israel illegally occupies Judaea and Samaria (more commonly known as the West Bank), while she acknowledged that the Palestinians call the war “the setback,” implying that their ultimate goal is complete Israeli annihilation and that they initiated the war. Something is not a setback unless one tries and fails in the attempt.

Dave Schechter’s article mentions that the June 1967 war was not the focus of local celebrations of Yom HaAtzmaut and that no communitywide Atlanta event was scheduled to mark Yom Yerushalayim. But why would an event for Yom HaAtzmaut, which commemorates the War of Independence of 1948, focus on the Six-Day War?

As for Yom Yerushalayim, when I opened a synagogue bulletin, there were two events, and those were just the ones advertised. The article quotes Rabbis Ilan and Emanuel Feldman, who have held multiple events about their experiences in the Six-Day War, as told in Rabbi Emanuel Feldman’s book “28th of Iyar.”

In all, the article is pro-Israel and gives points to both sides, but some of the anti-Israel points are preposterous.

I’m sorry if this offends, and I admit I am only an eighth-grader and may not understand all points of view, but thank you for reading this.

Matthew Minsk, Atlanta

Thanks for Continuing Dream

It is hard to believe that 24 years of the Harris Jacobs Dream Run have passed. We know that Harris is smiling down on the 402 men, women and children who ran and walked in his memory Sunday, May 7. My family and I are so grateful to the fantastic HJDR committee members, particularly Larry Gordon, who was responsible for making this an annual event.

Kudos always to the marvelous Marcus Jewish Community Center staff, particularly Pam Morton and Kaycee Pearce, who spent many hours working on the event, as well as the many volunteers who once again stepped up to the plate to give of their time.

Again, our sincerest thanks for helping keep Harris’ memory alive with such a successful event. Please mark your calendars for May 6, 2018, to help celebrate No. 25!

— Kitty Jacobs and family, Atlanta6 day

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