Little Mermaid Shimmers at Davis Academy

Davis Academy Students brought the Little Mermaid to life during recent production earlier this month. PHOTO / Harold Alan


In three exciting sell-out performances, The Davis Academy presented “The Little Mermaid Jr.” on March 17 and 18. A special community performance for Jewish preschoolers took place on March 19.

While the cast included several Davis students who are professional youth actors, the annual Davis Academy musical is truly an all-inclusive school-wide effort, says Kendrick Phillips, Davis Academy’s Director of Visual and Performing Arts.

“We have a no-cut policy,” said Philliips. “There is a place for any child who wants to be in the production – whether it’s on-stage or behind the scenes.

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What’s most important is bringing out the best in each student, and the experience of working together to make something truly special happen.”

To that end, the Davis production of “Little Mermaid” – six months in the making – incorporated 160 students ages 5 to 14 and 40 alumni mentors. In addition, numerous parents, Davis staff and alumni parent volunteers helped make the show a success.

Each year a musical is chosen not just for its entertainment value but for the themes that students can relate to or learn from. From the tale of “The Little Mermaid,” Phillips drew lessons about the power of one’s voice and the impact of the choices we make.



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