Passover Opinion

Lou Ladinsky’s 2022 Passover Message

Lou Ladinsky shares his inspiration and thoughts on this year's Passover holiday with the community.

Lou Ladinsky

Passover is right around the corner.

Sacrificing leavened products for eight days and eating matzah pales in comparison to the suffering that the Ukraine nation is currently experiencing.

Please keep this nation in your thoughts and prayers while taking a moment to reflect on how fortunate we are to enjoy the freedoms we have. As a people, we have endured and triumphed as well, celebrating at this time of year our exodus from Egyptian slavery.

As Passover is a celebration of our birth as a nation and a festival of freedom, let’s pray that Ukraine can also stand as its own nation and rise up against the tyranny of this Russian onslaught. I ran across this from a New York Times article from 1941, and I’d like to close my Passover message with an excerpt from it – “Passover carries today a message of hope for victims of dictatorships and holds promise of the ultimate triumph of freedom and liberty.”

Louis Ladinsky has been with LexisNexis for over 30 years and is a part of the AJT team.

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