Chanukah Community

Martine Tartour: What Fuels Your Fire?

Martine Tartour shares what fuels her fire.

Swimming during the winter: Going to the pool, then after the effort, having a hot chocolate in a cozy place. Listening to the sound of the rain outside.

Visiting my parents: Taking the forest road that leads to their farm, and knowing that they are both going to be there waiting for me, my father to help me park as if I had passed my driver’s license yesterday, and my mother to take my bag, because she knows I will spend the whole weekend with them.

Driving with my daughter by my side: Putting Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face” on and singing at the top of our lungs.

Tasting the fresh orange juice that my husband has been preparing religiously for me every morning for the past 10 years, leaving the drained oranges and the juicer on the work surface. But that it is another story.

Discussing a book with my family: Each month deciding on a book that we will all read, and then discussing it, and arguing to defend our views.

Successfully baking the macarons because it’s the hardest cake to bake, and when you get out of the oven 10 perfect macarons (usually half of them end up in the trash because they are not good even for the best bakers in the world), it’s a great victory.

Singing “Maoz Tzur” during Hannukah, “Had Gadya” during Passover, “Sheya’alu” during Rosh Hashanah. I love the parodies like “Call Me Maybe Rosh Hashanah” … Hilarious!

Martine Tartour is a contributor to the AJT.

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