Chanukah Community

Michal Bonell: What Fuels Your Fire?

Michal Bonell shares what fuels her fire

I guess I could write about my family, friends and my work, and though I love each of these and try to give them my all, I find that right now what fuels my fire is injustice in our country.  We are living in an unconscionable time, when kids are sent to school with the hope that they’ll come home safely, when men of color fear for their lives if stopped by police for a minor traffic violation, when immigrants fleeing for their lives and seeking a better opportunity are rejected from U.S. borders because they don’t look like “US,” when women’s personal care for their health and body is controlled by men in government.  What fuels my fire, or enrages me, is the lack of care or movement toward resolutions for these and many other predicaments. The question is, what can I do about it and where do I start?

Michal Bonell is a senior account manager at the AJT.

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