Mission to Israel

Atlanta’s Conservative synagogues are joining with Conservative congregations throughout North America for a combined solidarity mission to Israel beginning Sunday, Feb. 14.

The trip comes in response to the surge in terrorist violence in Israel since the High Holidays.

The seemingly random, individual acts of terrorism, usually by young Arabs armed with knives or using vehicles to run over Israelis, drew media attention outside Israel when they began but have drawn less international coverage as the attacks have become part of the new normal.

But the attacks continue, often resulting in Israeli injuries and sometimes in Israeli deaths.

The Conservative movement wants to make the point that Israel remains a safe tourist destination, and all of the local Conservative congregations have endorsed the mission.

Israel Tour Connection has planned a packed solidarity itinerary to reach those who have been harmed and share concern and support.

The mission will depart on Feb. 14 and will give participants the option to return Thursday night, Feb. 18 (Friday arrival in Atlanta), or Saturday night, Feb. 20 (Sunday arrival in Atlanta).

Land-only prices for the trip are $1,595 for the Thursday return and $1,995 for the Saturday return.

The mission’s activities include:

  • Meeting with Israel Defense Forces personnel to learn about the security situation.
  • Visiting a kibbutz near the Gaza border.
  • Learning more about East Jerusalem and its residents.
  • Sharing a brief tour of the Jewish Quarter of the Old City.
  • Meeting with representatives of Masorti (Conservative) congregations.
  • Visiting the Knesset to discuss advances in Jewish religious pluralism in Israel.

You do not have to be part of the Conservative movement to join the mission, but with the trip only a month away, those who are interested shouldn’t wait too long to sign up. To get more information, including a detailed itinerary, contact any of the Conservative congregational rabbis in the Atlanta area.

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