Nonjudgmental Attitude Key to Estreichers’ Success

By Rabbi Herbert Cohen

I knew Rabbi Daniel Estreicher when he was a student at Yeshiva University, but I really did not know him well until I worked with him at Yeshiva High School of Atlanta (now part of Atlanta Jewish Academy). There I saw a man deeply learned and committed to the Torah growth of his students.

He and Bluma were totally devoted to outreach and to bringing students under the canopy of Torah. A secret of their success over the years was a nonjudgmental attitude toward every student they encountered. They just loved the students for who they were, and the students felt their palpable concern for them.

The door of the Estreicher home was always open to the students at any time. No time was inconvenient if a student needed to talk or needed advice from his rebbe.

Rabbi Estreicher is a role model of a teacher dedicated to the well-being of his students. May HaShem continue to grant him and Bluma, his true partner in everything he does, good health and nachat from all the students who have come into his orbit and benefited from his abiding concern for them.

Congregation Beth Jacob is honoring Rabbi Daniel Estreicher and his wife, Bluma, at the synagogue’s annual dinner Sunday night, Feb. 28, starting with cocktails at 5 p.m. Tickets are $100; Rabbi Herbert Cohen is the former head of Yeshiva Atlanta.

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