Lifecycles Obituaries

Obituary: Alexander Berman

Alexander Berman died April 28, 2020.

Alexander Berman

Alexander Berman died April 28, 2020, at the beautiful age of 51. He passed away as he lived – quickly, breaking all rules, and without warning.

Alex, or Sasha, as he was known to all who loved him, was a kind, generous, energetic man. He gave all he had, he loved with abandon, and he enjoyed life. He had an acute awareness of the importance of a life lived with the ones you love.

His appetite for life was evident to everyone who knew him. Sasha enjoyed the finer things: fast cars, fashionable clothes, delicious food. He was also extremely knowledgeable and could debate the intricacies of Bulgakov and Lermontov for hours. He quoted Dostoevsky. He knew history. He loved poetry. He was a hit at any party, a great conversationalist, and a loyal friend.

Alex had many entrepreneurial pursuits and amazed everyone with ideas upon ideas, all of which he tried to bring to life with his tremendous vigor and focus. He was an optimist at heart, never losing faith in his next project.

In his personal life, Sasha was lucky enough to have spent over 20 years with his wife Margarita. Together, they had a beautiful daughter. He was also very close with his parents, whom he adored. He looked exactly like his father and the two could often be mistaken for each other from afar.

The ancient Greeks didn’t write obituaries. They only asked one question when a man died: did he have passion? Alex Berman was a man of passion, of insatiable hunger for life. He left us far too soon. Too many projects are left unfinished. Too many trips not taken. Too many embraces not given. Too many “I love yous” not spoken. Too many dinners not enjoyed together. Too many jokes not told. Too many days will now start without his presence in our lives. May his memory be a blessing.

Alex is survived by his wife Margarita; daughter Ellina; parents Vladimir and Rita; sister Vita; brother-in-law Alex; nieces Alla and Maya; and many loving cousins, aunts, uncles and friends.

The funeral was held April 30 at Crest Lawn Memorial Park in Atlanta.
In memory of Alex, please hug your loved ones extra hard.

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