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Overture Powers Ferry | 55+ Active Adult Living

Engage in Rich Social Experiences at Overture Powers Ferry

Overture Powers Ferry has introduced a visionary standard of 55+ living and is taking the term “active adult” to an exciting place along the way. Their goal is to provide residents with maintenance-free living in premium apartment homes, while creating endless activities for residents in a similar phase of life.

Active adult living is often understood solely by its guidelines. By encouraging an interconnected community culture, Overture Powers Ferry seeks to break the outdated perspective of senior living. Through their Soul program, active adults can embrace the 7 Dimensions of Wellness – Fitness, Wellbeing, Spirituality, Intellect, Social, Eco-life, and Pursuits. By collaborating with like-minded neighbors, welcoming new forms of joy into their lives, and pursuing invigorating challenges of their choosing, residents lead a purpose driven life.

Creating an engaging lifestyle can be challenging in today’s COVID environment. That’s why the Lifestyle Coordinator at Overture Powers Ferry is dedicated to filling the community’s monthly calendar with contests, movie screenings, fitness classes, cooking demonstrations, educational seminars, and more. From the stimulation of learning to the energizing quality of good-natured competition, events are highly diverse and sure to keep residents engaged.

The emphasis at Overture Powers Ferry is fostering an environment where residents can carve out their niches, living every moment well, and with the freedom to take the day in whatever way they see fit. Families can be rest assured knowing their loved ones are benefiting from a broad menu of activity options orchestrated by experienced and friendly team members.

Overture Powers Ferry is centrally located at the intersection of Powers Ferry Rd and Windy Rd SE, near Windy Hill Athletic Club, The Battery and Truist Park, upscale restaurants, the Chattahoochee River and numerous state of the art medical facilities.

To discover more about Overture Powers Ferry’s engaging 55+ lifestyle, now leasing for Fall 2021 move-ins, be sure to visit their website at OverturePowersFerry.com or call (470)-437-3138.

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