Chanukah Community

Rabbi Ari Kaiman: What Fuels Your Fire?

Rabbi Ari Kaiman shares what fuels his fire.

Rabbi Ari Kaiman

Al Shlosha Devarim Ha’olam Omed; Al HaTorah, Al Ha-Avodah, V’al Gemilut Chasadim.  The world stands on Torah, Prayer and Acts of Loving-Kindness. I have the great blessing of connecting people to meaningful living through Judaism. The moment a person grows in wisdom through the deep textual tradition of Torah fuels my fire. The moment a person feels God’s presence through a room of children and adults baring their souls through music and prayer, fuels my fire. The moments our community is present for a person celebrating life, or grieving a loss, fuel my fire.  When we are the hands of God and we use our collective power to protect the vulnerable, that fuels my fire. Most of all, when we imagine the world as it ought to be for my children and their children, and then work to make it so, I’ll never stop burning with a passion for that kind of change. Torah, Avodah, and Gemilut Chasadim are the pillars that hold up the world. I am humbled and blessed to organize a part of our community in the holy work of holding up the world.  

Ari Kaiman is the rabbi of Congregation Shearith Israel.

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