Rosh Hashanah Community

Rabbi Ari Kaiman’s Rosh Hashanah Message for 2022

Rabbi Ari Kaiman shares his thoughts and inspiration for the Jewish New Year.

Rabbi Ari Kaiman

God is not in equal measures, in all places, at all times. Where does God dwell?

The Kotzker Rebbe would say, “Wherever you let God in.” Remote worship is not a new question for the Jewish people. It was also far more convenient for our ancestors to offer their sacrifices to God close to their homes.

But God commanded the Jewish people to travel long distances at least three times a year to gather in joy and celebration. God may be wherever you let God in, but it’s the presence of a community that invites God to knock on the door to be let in.

At least for me, when I hear the sound of a community, singing with all their souls in harmony, my heart bursts open for God to enter. May we be blessed to bring God’s presence to our lives with voices singing in harmony, with warm handshakes and embraces, and above all, good health and safety.

Ari Kaiman is senior Rabbi of Congregation Shearith Israel.

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