Chanukah Community

Rabbi Brad Levenberg: What Fuels Your Fire?

Rabbi Brad Levenberg shares what fuels his fire.

Rabbi Brad Levenberg

My fire is fueled by so much because, I guess, I have multiple fires raging all at once. My fire is fueled by my spouse and children and friendships that fill me with joy. My fire is fueled by being a part of a metro community that has balanced a sacred obligation to our history with an appreciation for innovation. My fire is fueled by the Temple Sinai community, truly a special congregation comprised of the most remarkable people. My fire is fueled by the challenges we face as a community and the solutions at our fingertips, should we find ourselves courageous enough to seize the moment. My fire is fueled by our amazing communal institutions serving the Jewish community. My fire is fueled by the sense of collaboration and cooperation that exists between Jewish leaders and synagogues in this city – which, by the way, is a rarity indeed. Most of all, my fire is fueled by the opportunities presented my way – really, to each of us in our own ways – to be present with and for each other, to create positive, joyous moments, and to make a difference in some small way.

Brad Levenberg is a spiritual leader of Temple Sinai.

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