Passover Community

Rabbi Jordan Ottenstein

Rabbi Jordan Ottenstein shares his Passover thoughts with you.

As we approach this year’s Pesach, which celebrated our collective freedom from bondage in Egypt, just like our ancestors of old, we have entered into a new world.  However, this new world has not taken us from the narrow place; it has placed us into one. We are physically distant from our families, friends, communities, even our synagogues. And yet, even though we have narrowed our existence because of social distancing, many of us are finding the ability to socially and spiritually connect in different ways.

The midrash speaks of Nachshon ben Aminadav, who went first into the Sea of Reeds, into the unknown, with only his faith to protect him.  At this Passover, as we extend our seder tables, not only by mere feet to make room for others, but across miles, time zones, and, in some cases, even continents, we will all become like Nachshon, braving the unknown, using our faith to guide us, and just like our ancestors did, building a new world together.  Chag Sameach.

Rabbi Jordan Ottenstein is the senior rabbi at Congregation Dor Tamid in Johns Creek.

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