Rosh Hashanah Community

Ray Alyssa Rothman’s Rosh Hashanah Message for 2022

Ray Alyssa Rothman shares her thoughts and inspiration for the Jewish New Year.

Ray Alyssa Rothman

Rosh Hashanah Greeting 2022

For me, Rosh Hashanah is always a time of reflection and remembrance, particularly because of the way that the Jewish calendar and the secular calendar coincide at this special time of year, even though the Jewish New Year always seems to be moving around. Indeed, although the modern Gregorian and Julian calendars celebrate January 1st as the start of the secular year, the weeks following Labor Day mark the real beginning for many.

With the fading of summer and the movement into autumn, we renew ourselves as the familiar cycles of life start anew, with the resumption of school, a renewed commitment to work, and the recognition and reaffirmation of the other important patterns that mark the cycles of our lives.

It is a time of year when we count our blessings. I am blessed by the presence of my children and the opportunity to have watched them grow and mature over the past year as they become more sentient, conscious, and aware, with one in her last year of middle school, another in high school, and a third starting college.

It is also a time of year to remember and appreciate those who came before us. In particular, I grieve the loss of my dear mother who departed our world this past year. Yet I also celebrate the years that I had with her and my closeness to her both in life and in death.

The Jewish new year also reaffirms my pride in celebrating my 40th year as an active member of our Atlanta Jewish community!

May your new year be sweet and full of abundance!

Ray Alyssa Rothman is a commercial real estate veteran who also helps raise equity for investments. Her side business is Kibbitz & Konnect, a premier in-person social network for Atlanta’s Jewish singles community (

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