Preview AJFF 2019

Shooting Life

See what happens when a creative teacher comes to Sderot and places his challenging youngsters in front of and behind a camera, and tells of their own life stories.

I’m always impressed by Israel’s creative energy, especially represented in the numerous films submitted to the festival year after year. I liked this film because it’s about the power of imagination. See what happens when a creative teacher comes to Sderot and places his challenging youngsters in front of and behind a camera, and tells of their own life stories. See what happens when technology, education, personal growth and true humanity intersect.

And, what are your chances of ever visiting Sderot, Israel’s southern town? This film will take you there. Get a feel for what life is like for the people who live in this unique and charming town on the border with Gaza, constantly under the threat of rocket fire, caught in the relentless conflict that has lasted decades.

Sara Ghitis, a former producer at CNN, is the founder of Oral Histories and Life Stories and was an interviewer for Steven Spielberg’s Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Project; The Mathausen Project, Vienna; Survivors of Forced Laborers Documentation Project, Berlin. She’s a docent at the Breman Jewish Heritage Museum and has been involved with AJFF for several years.

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