Teamwork at its Finest

Dr. Avivah Zornberg

Dear Editor:

The recent visit to Atlanta by eminent teacher and author Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg was cause for rejoicing by all those in our community who value masterful teaching, inspired inquiry into our scriptural tradition and the beauty of the spoken English language.

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It is cause for rejoicing, too, that her brilliant lessons, would have been missed by many here if it were not for the unique partnership that was formed by a coalition of synagogues and community institutions to underwrite her four days with us.

To the four synagogues at which she appeared, to the Marcus Jewish Community Center and to the Atlanta Rabbinical Association, we owe a profound debt. We are even more indebted to Rabbi Paul Kerbel, of Congregation Etz Chaim, whose considerable efforts brought these sponsors together.

That the four synagogues represented the Orthodox, Conservative and Reform branches of Judaism made these four days of teaching an even more special occasion. The leadership of Young Israel of Toco Hills, Congregation Ahavath Achim, The Temple and Temple Sinai are to be congratulated for a cooperative effort which is too rarely seen.

One would hope that they and other representatives of all of the diverse religious institutions in our community would continue to work together in ways that enrich us all.


Bob Bahr, Congregation Shema Yisrael


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