Tell and Kvell: Kraitzick, Kropp

Lily Reese Kraitzick

Lily Reese Kraitick

David and Jessica Kraitzick of Atlanta announce the birth of their daughter, Lily Reese, on Dec. 7, 2012. She weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and was 20-and-one-quarter inches long.

Lily has two older brothers, Jackson and Micah, and is the granddaughter of Les and Wendy Kraitzick of

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Atlanta and David Friedt and the late Judy Friedt of Seattle, Wash. She is the great-granddaughter of Alexander Friedt of Mount Vernon, Wash.

Lily is named for Lily Kraitzick, formerly of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. She also shares her namesakes Hebrew name of Leah.

Russell Selber Kropp

Russell Selber Kropp

Rachel Selber and Jon Kropp of Sandy Springs announce the birth of their son, Russell Selber, on March 21, 2012.

Russell has an older brother, Riley, and is the grandson of Rebeca and the late Franklin Selber of Atlanta and Roberta and the late Richard Kropp of Mashpee, Mass.

A brit milah performed March 28 by Rabbi Hayyim Kassorla in Sandy Springs. Russell Selber was given the Hebrew name Reuven Zelig in honor of his grandmother “Tita” Rebeca Selber and in memory of his great uncle Gerry Norman.


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