Super Bowl Friendly Wager

Temple Sinai Places Big Bet

If the Falcons win, the clergy will get candy and tzedakah; if not, the candy and cash will head north.

The big question with this ketubah: Doesn't Boston have anything better to offer?

Temple Sinai has caught the Rise Up spirit, starting Super Bowl week by entering into a “super ketubah” with a Reform congregation in Needham, Mass., Temple Beth Shalom.

As Sinai announced on Facebook on Jan. 29, the two synagogues have entered into a sacred agreement involving a “very friendly wager” on Super Bowl LI.

If the Atlanta Falcons win, the Beth Shalom clergy will have to take a distribute a congratulatory photo with a message of mazel tov to the Falcons and Sinai. If the New England Patriots win, the Sinai clergy will have to do the same thing for the Patriots and Beth Shalom.

More important is that the losing congregation will make a donation of $180 (10 chai) to the charitable cause of the winner’s choice.

Less important is a shipment of candy. If the Patriots win, a case of Georgia peach gummies and a case of Coca-Cola pencils will be sent to Needham. If the Falcons win, a case of Boston famous Ferrara Pan Boston Baked Beans candy will be headed for Sandy Springs.

We’re not sure there will be any winners there.


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