Education & Camp Local

Temple Teens Raise $8,500 to Support Camp & Tutoring

The House of Tikvah Temple Youth hauled in an impressive amount of capital during their annual Camp Jenny Bingo Fundraiser.

HOTTY members Frannie A. and Lucy W. take a break for a photo.

House of Tikvah Temple Youth at Temple Beth Tikvah has raised a record-breaking $8,500 during its annual Camp Jenny Bingo Fundraiser, more than doubling the amount collected in previous years. Camp Jenny is the year-round mitzvah project of the Southern Area and Southern Tropical Region Reform Jewish Youth Movement, of which HOTTY is affiliated.

Held annually, the event donates the proceeds so that students at an urban Atlanta school may receive tutoring and support throughout the year, as well as spend four days during Memorial Day weekend at Camp Jenny, held at Camp Coleman in Cleveland, Ga. During the four-day session, the campers will receive the encouragement of big “brothers and sisters,” three nutritious meals each day, and inspiration for the future. They can also enjoy activities such as hiking in the mountains, water play, zip lining, arts and crafts, and a variety of sports and teambuilding activities.

Programming vice president Molly Ziskind and her mother, Shayna Ziskind.

The event was held in the synagogue’s social hall and included a live auction, raffle and bake sale to help support Camp Jenny. As part of the initiative, HOTTY members enlisted the support of local businesses and community members, receiving more than 60 donations that were used as prizes throughout the night.

Donations included University of Alabama football tickets, keepsake jewelry and Pilates lessons. During the event itself, the teens stayed busy, selling baked goods, running the raffle, checking in guests, announcing bingo numbers, and serving as auctioneers, among their many other duties throughout the evening.

(From left) HOTTY social action vice president, Evan C., programming vice president, Molly Z., and president, Grace E., auction off a signed Dominique Wilkins jersey.

According to Molly Ziskind, the programming chair for the group and a junior in Campbell High School’s International Baccalaureate program, approximately 30 teens volunteered for the effort. “This experience was so rewarding for all of us because we know that kids who go to Camp Jenny will learn about independence, creativity, and friendship, all while receiving encouragement for the future and having an unforgettable experience. Everyone who donated knows that their money is going to an incredible cause, and we are so excited that 17 kids will be able to go to Camp Jenny thanks to our contributions.”

To set the ambiance for the night, the teens arrived early to decorate the space with balloons, centerpieces, and images to transform the room into a “Monsters, Inc.” ball. In advance of the actual event, they spent months reaching out to the community, marketing the fundraiser, sharing flyers, making promotional videos, and speaking with synagogue congregants to encourage attendance. More than 250 people attended the fundraiser.

House of Tikvah Temple Youth member Noah W. makes popcorn for the group’s bake sale.

“The teens truly put their heart and souls into this event to make sure it was successful. They went door to door to receive donations and were out in the temple multiple times a week to spread the word. It was amazing to see their hard work pay off by raising so much money, and it means so much to showcase what HOTTY and our teens can do to the congregation,” said Drew Baker, advisor for the youth group.

The commitment of the HOTTY teens does not stop after the fundraising ends. Many of these same teens will volunteer their time during Memorial Day weekend 2023 at Camp Jenny. Their roles will range from cabin counselors to specific activity coaches. Many of the teens are repeat counselors, and several more are looking forward to their first experience. This summer, in fact, will be Ziskind’s first at the camp, where she will serve as a senior cabin counselor.

HOTTY members, Max W. and Jayson F., take a break from serving pizza to hungry attendees.

“I am looking forward to my first summer at Camp Jenny. Meeting the kids coming from Atlanta and being with many of my friends during the weekend will be so special and add even more meaning to the work we have done to help make this experience happen,” said Ziskind.

Rabbi Alexandra Shuval-Weiner said that the bingo fundraiser is one of the most anticipated events of the year among the congregation. She emphasized, “The skills the teens acquire are innumerable, and they carry them into adulthood. Today’s Camp Jenny ambassadors, fundraisers, and counselors are tomorrow’s Jewish community leaders. As rabbi, I am so very proud of our TBT teens and support their drive and their passion for making Camp Jenny a success.”

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