Local News

The Magic of Lag B’Omer

Chabad of Cobb celebrates with a picnic, tzedakah and more at East Cobb Park on May 3.

A magician keeps the young crowd mesmerized at East Cobb Park during Chabad of Cobb's Lag B'Omer picnic Thursday, May 3.

A small but lively crowd from Chabad of Cobb gathered for a Lag B’Omer picnic Thursday, May 3, at East Cobb Park, as similar celebrations were held around metro Atlanta on the afternoon of the 33rd day of the Omer.

Ashkenazim, Israelis and Persians schmoozed at the park’s newest picnic area to nosh on kosher hamburgers and hot dogs as well as an assortment of cookies and watermelon. Rabbi Ephraim Silverman led a brief prayer and discussion about the art of giving tzedakah, followed by a magic show. Kids watched in amazement as magician Chris Hanowell performed card tricks, ripped and inserted a portion of a dollar bill back into itself, and made a coin retract into his hand.

The warm weather and Israeli music added to the fun atmosphere.

Photos by Sarah Moosazadeh

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