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THEN & NOW: Marilynn and Ron Winston

Marilynn and Ron Winston share the secrets to their longtime relationship.

Marilynn and Ron Winston

Marilynn and Ron Winston
Years Married: 56 years
Date of wedding: July 20, 1967
Ahavath Achim Synagogue, Atlanta

How They Met
Ronny: I met Marilynn at Camp Blue Star the summer after I graduated UVA law school and Marilynn had just graduated from high school. For me, it was “love at first sight,” so I “robbed the cradle” and we dated. After camp, I was in the Coast Guard Reserve, and Marilynn started her first year of college. A year later, we married, I began practicing law and she transferred to Emory.
Marilynn: Ronny “swept me off my feet!” He was handsome, smart, and mature. I was so naïve, he had to teach me how to French kiss! Our first years of marriage, Ronny would drop me at Emory on his way to the office and 12 hours later pick me up. Studying so much enabled me to finish college in three years. Ronny always encouraged me to advance my education and supported me in getting graduate degrees.

Secret to Happy Marriage
Ronny: Marilynn is my best friend. We both try to compromise on major issues. She was and remains the love of my life.
Marilynn: Try hard not to go to bed angry. Try to really listen and not just talk. Take joy in the joyful moments life gives you. Ronny is my greatest joy!

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