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‘Trading Spaces’ Host Vern Yip at Book Festival

Author and 'Trading Spaces' host Vern Yip will be making an appearance Sept. 12 at the MJCCA for 'A Page from the Book Festival.'

Vern Yip’s much-awaited second book.

As a fan of author Vern Yip, I have marveled at his design acumen and ability to share practical advice for designing your home and making it beautiful. His newly released book “Vern Yip’s Vacation at Home” offers his sage advice on creating a home that becomes your everyday getaway.

Yip will appear Sept. 12 at A Page from the Book Festival of the MJCCA.
His accomplishments are vast. As a New York Times best-selling author, product and interior designer, television host, ambassador of UNICEF and travel and design expert, he’s a wealth of talent. Readers and fans have awaited his second book with open arms and in a recent AJT interview, he shared his timely book’s inspiration.

“What moved me to write this book was I noticed that people are interested in simplifying and organizing their homes and lives. They feel overwhelmed by all their possession and things. I’ve personally never felt that way because I have picked up tips and tricks as I’m on the road traveling constantly. Staying at hotels, I observed how the best ones employed the same tricks and tips to make the experience a positive one and stress free. I infused those into my own home and life, and it made a huge difference. I am imparting those tips to a broad spectrum of folks.”

“Vacation at Home” focuses on creating a home that is relaxing, rejuvenating and reenergizing. “A lot of people come home, and it starts with what they see, from the shoes on the floor, coats on the banisters, a burnt-out lightbulb, and find their homes stressful. There are too many messages.”

Vern Yip is an interior designer and a host on HGTV & TLC’s “Trading Spaces.”

In contrast, Yip comes home and instantly feels relaxed. His home is nurturing and makes him feel like he’s on a vacation. He believes, “Your home is the most important place and should be designed for the most important people.”

Yip’s book presents his seasoned knowledge with 18 clear steps that give readers itemized ways to pull their homes together, creating a beautiful, yet peaceful experience. The book is filled with not just beautiful photographs, but also pages of ideas, clear-cut ways to help readers improve their lives step by step.

He cautions to begin by being honest with yourself regarding your possessions. Yip says, “We tend to be magnets for too much stuff. Assess your stuff and keep only two things: that which you need and things that you love. Release things, donate them and only keep what matters.”

A fan of clutter-free interiors with simple maintenance, he answers all of your interior design questions. He succeeds in improving what you see and how you feel. From tight-back sofas to high performance fabrics and carpet that is stain-resistant, he zeroes in on ways to reduce constantly having to over-attend to material possessions.

He reminds us, “You don’t need 15 throw pillows on your bed. Instead of decorative pillows, have one pillow that showcases a color that makes you sing. It will be so easy to make and unmake your bed.” Regarding trends, Yip inspires readers not to feel pressured to follow them. Your home should be designed for you to be super relaxed the moment you walk in, and feel like a retreat. Combine function with aesthetics and reflect on what really makes you and your family feel joyous and happy.”

One final word of advice? He suggests how important it is that our homes make us feel like we’re on a vacation. Or, when you come home from one, you’re at the happiest place on earth. His easy-to-implement interior design skills are both life-affirming and enhancing.

This book is an excellent guide for anyone who wants a well-thought-out roadmap for understanding how one’s lifestyle and home interior can successfully merge into a restful, relaxing oasis and beautiful interior.

Vern Yip will promote his new book “Vern Yip’s Vacation at Home: Design Ideas for Creating Your Everyday Getaway” at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 12 at A Page from the Book Festival of the MJCCA.
For information and tickets,

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