Chanukah 2017

Video: A Boy-Band Chanukah

Six13 takes us back to the '90s, perhaps kicking and screaming to celebrate the sixth night.

Six13 acts like kids in 2014. (Photo by Jessica Giovanetti)

Chanukah is one of the most festive of our festivals, so the AJT is spreading the fun by sharing one fun holiday video for each night of the Festival of Lights.

Many of us who lived through the 1990s would be happy to forget the boy-band era. That way, we can think of Donnie Wahlberg, Mark Wahlberg and Justin Timberlake as just actors. Or maybe not.

New York-based a cappella group Six13 apparently disagrees. To celebrate Chanukah, the band has created a mix inspired by songs from the likes of ‘N Sync and the decidedly non-boy-band Spice Girls. Little-known fact: The forgotten sixth Spice Girl was Latke Spice.

As the candles burn low on this sixth night, all you parents out there can try to explain the ”90s to your kids. Good luck.

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