Rosh Hashanah Community

We Survived and I Have Never Felt More Alive, L’chaim!

Kaylene Ladinsky shares her thoughts and inspiration for the Jewish New Year.

Kaylene Ladinsky is the editor and managing publisher for the Atlanta Jewish Times.

Can you believe that we are finally at a stage of beginning to face each other in-person again on a regular basis? There were times when I thought that we had entered, not just a science fiction movie, but a new way of life, where social distancing and masks might be here to stay.

Yet, we found a way. Mankind is always evolving, adapting, and will forever overcome the challenges that come before our paths. Think about it: the entire world was affected at the same time, with the same crisis. According to, there are currently 7.97 billion lives on planet Earth, and 6,518,571 people have died so far from the COVID-19 outbreak as of Sept. 13, 2022.

Billions of us survived. I guess what overwhelms me the most is the magnitude of what we all just faced. I am amazed at how billions of people were able to come together and face COVID together as a race of human beings. I know that there are still some areas that are hurting, and I know that the impact of lives lost will remain a burden that we all take into our future.

It’s truly almost inconceivable, but we are testament that it really happened. ‘Wow’ is the word that comes to my mind.

Now most masks are off and at first, we were like turtles coming out of our shells, but little-by-little we are letting our guards down. I am so happy to be able to see everyone’s faces. I think that is what I missed the most. Your smiles.

I realize that it seems crazy to be grateful to have experienced COVID, so I won’t go there. But I will say that I am grateful to a part of a WORLD of humans who were able to communicate information, and share data and medical supplies across billions in need. I am grateful to be a part of a WORLD that was able to evolve and adapt within days, weeks and months to a new way of survival, while continuing business, family affairs and social engagements in a new way. I am truly grateful for every one of YOU!

As this new year 5783 approaches, we have so much opportunity ahead of us. We have proven that together we can accomplish most anything.

L ‘Shana Tova!

Kaylene Ladinsky is the editor and managing publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times.

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