Weaving Meditative Patterns on Paper

The Pomegranate Guild of Judaic Art — Peach State Stitchers drew about 25 members and guests for a January program on Zentangle, which combines yoga-type meditation with drawing.

Susan Big, vice president and program co-chair of the Peach State Stitchers (www.peachstatestitcher.org), arranged the program by contacting Jeannie Mahood, a certified Zentangle teacher in Atlanta. A past chapter president, Barbara Rucket, gave a thoughtful d’var Torah before the program.

Participant spent an hour in silence while creating the Zentangle patterns, and, like snowflakes, no two resulting squares were exactly alike.

“It reminded me of the infinite ways that patterns are expressed in nature — not necessarily what is made by human beings, but how bare branches of trees crisscross with each other in varying patterns, especially when looking at them through a beautiful blue sky or the shapes of clouds that repeat themselves, but no two are really ever alike,” artist Flora Rosefsky said.

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