
What Israel Means to Me: Newt Gingrich

Here’s what the former U.S. speaker of the House has to say as we celebrate Israel’s 70th birthday.

One of the great miracles of my lifetime is the establishment, survival and increasing prosperity of the state of Israel. I was honored as speaker of the House to host a celebration of Jerusalem’s 3,000th anniversary.

Newt Gingrich

The continuous history of the people of Abraham and David is one of the great stories of human achievement. The hard work, continuing emphasis on science and technology, and relentless entrepreneurship are making Israel one of the most exciting places on the planet. Even now I am studying the breakthroughs in Israeli water policy, which may help hundreds of millions and end very dangerous water conflicts around the world.

Anyone who visits Israel should remind themselves that the age of miracles is far from over.

See all the reflections on Israel’s meaning on this special anniversary.

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