What Would a Jew Do?


Bram Bessoff

I bumped into AJT publisher Cliff Weiss a few weeks ago at the ProtéJ Shark Tank event, where I thanked him graciously for featuring me in the paper’s “Three Questions” series and told him how much I enjoyed the writing exercise.

He turned around and offered me a column, and now here I am. Where to start?

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I like to say I’m “In It For The Moment” – always in search of experiences in life worth remembering and sharing with others. Specifically, what I know and love is music: I toured as a professional drummer for more than eight years with my band Soup, then managed several artists and tours and even dabbled in producing Jewish music with “Shabbat Rocks.”

Today, I put artists on the Billboard charts, sit as the co-chair and vice president of the Atlanta Jewish Music Festival and just recently started my journey toward becoming a live music producer.

But back to the title, these “moments” – regardless if they are musical, cultural, Judaical or a mix thereof – are what I will write about.

Fittingly, as I begin my first installment, I’m watching “Skywire Live” as Nik Wallenda begins his walk across the Grand Canyon – and starts thanking Jesus with every step. I turned to my wife and mentioned how superficial it felt, annoying to the point of ad nauseam, and she astutely responded with:

“What Hebrew prayers would you be saying at that moment? Would you not be praying to G-d?”

This led me to think: What would a Jew do at such a moment in time?

Raised Conservative, married to a convert and belonging to a Reform synagogue, I would certainly not be praying to G-d. I know what His answer would be:

I did not make you get on the wire.”

In fact, Nik himself said it was his great-grandfather – not Jesus – that approached him in a dream telling him to go bigger. So he should really be thanking that guy, no?

As Wallenda got close to the end of the wire, he started getting real – thanking Discovery Channel (for the ego boost and paycheck), his wife (for not leaving him), his father (for watching his back) and his children (for their love and affection). This seemed more apropos to me, as thanking those who make it possible for you to achieve your dream is what a Jew would do.

By doing so glorifies G-d with every step you take towards fulfilling that dream.

Anyway, next time we’ll talk music and – oh yeah – thanks for reading my column.

Follow Bram’s experiences on, off and backstage @bram_rocks. Interact with him at #InItForTheMoment and share thoughts, comments and ideas about this column.


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