United Hatzalah Purim Guide

Your Guide to a Safe, Happy Purim

Follow this handy guide from United Hatzalah to have a safe and happy Purim 5777.

Torah Day School students show their school pride at the 2017 Purim Parade.

Every year on Purim children and adults suffer from a variety of injuries related to their costumes, makeup and improvised explosives.

The most common injuries include burns on the hands, face, neck and legs. To avoid such injuries, Israeli volunteer emergency medical service United Hatzalah compiled a list of tips to help you and your loved ones enjoy a safe, injury-free holiday.

Toys and Their Uses

Follow the labels regarding age appropriateness and proper use.

Do not allow the use of any handgun or rifle that too closely resembles the real-life version. These toys can cause aggravation and excessive reactions.

With regard to cap guns and other toys that involve gunpowder, it is strongly advised to avoid them, but if they are used, adult supervision is a necessity. Stay away from any type of firecracker.

Do not leave caps in a pocket because friction can set them off, resulting in severe burns. Keep caps and similar materials in their original packages until they are used. Explosive toys should be used only in open spaces and never aimed at anyone’s face.

Ensure that groggers are unbroken and do not contain small plastic pieces that can create a choking hazard for small children.

Safe Costumes

Purchase costumes from authorized sellers. Manufacturer information, including age appropriateness, will be printed on the tags.

For homemade costumes, avoid flammable materials, such as feathers, and don’t have long strings or laces near the neck, where they can present a choking risk.

Children should remove all costume pieces that dangle or can catch on equipment before they play on jungle gyms and playgrounds.

Masks limit the field of vision and should not be worn by children under the age of 8.

Makeup products should have a seal of approval from the Food and Drug Administration. Unapproved makeup can cause itching, burns and severe allergic reactions.

Mishloach Manot

Avoid sending gifts containing small candies or gumballs to families with young children.

Pay attention to possible allergic reactions when preparing and sending food gifts. Include a list of ingredients with mishloach manot if you send homemade items containing milk, eggs, fish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat or soy, all of which are major allergens.

Alcohol Consumption

Parents should prevent anyone underage from consuming alcohol. Alcohol affects children differently from adults, and what is acceptable for adults can be dangerous to children. Remember that alcohol is a drug and can cause injury or death.

Consumption of alcohol can cause hypoglycemia, a severe decrease in blood pressure, hypothermia, excessive urination, gastric injuries and vomiting.

Do not try to restrain an aggressive or violent drunken person. Remember that someone who is drunk has impaired decision-making processes.

On the other hand, try to ensure that the person does not harm himself or others around him.

If a drunk person begins to lose consciousness, check his blood sugar level and act based on the reading. Provide ample nonalcoholic, nondiuretic fluids to avoid dehydration, and call for medical assistance to get the person to a hospital if needed.

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