Father's Day Community

2021: Your Father’s Day Tributes

Jewish Atlanta share why their Dad is the best, coolest or funniest in town.

Perhaps starting a new tradition for Father’s Day, the AJT asked Jewish Atlanta to tell us briefly why their dad is the best, coolest or funniest father in town. Many of the responses include how fathers made their children laugh, telling “Dad jokes,” inspiring and comforting when needed.

The submissions were entered into a raffle and five lucky dads won gifts. Those winners are: Matt Herman, $100 Buckhead Life Restaurant Group; Robert Port, $100 McKendrick’s Steak House; Craig Richman, $100 Fuego Mundo; Mike Adler and Gary Glasser each won $50 Café Intermezzo gift cards.

Click on the names below to read the individual tribute: 

Mike Adler
Eric Cole
Tim Dewey
Gary Glasser
Dan Goldman
Matt Herman
Anatoliy Iskhakov
Sam Katz
Steve Kayne
Lou Ladinsky
Richard Port
Craig Richman
Ian Robbins
Larry Sernovitz
Matthew Silverman

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