2022 YIR: Protesters Join Waters Fans at State Farm Arena
Year in ReviewCommunity

2022 YIR: Protesters Join Waters Fans at State Farm Arena

Members of the Atlanta Jewish community gathered outside of the Roger Waters concert this summer to protest the singer’s antisemitic remarks.

Sasha Heller is the Web Editor and Copy Editor for the Atlanta Jewish Times

Roger Waters is a co-founder and former lead singer of the Pink Floyd band.
Roger Waters is a co-founder and former lead singer of the Pink Floyd band.

It wouldn’t be a proper Atlanta Jewish Times year in review without at least one story involving antisemitism, now would it? That’s just a sad fact of Jewish life in America and, in particular, life in Atlanta today.

On Aug. 20, Roger Waters, formerly with the rock band Pink Floyd, performed at Atlanta’s State Farm Arena, where the End Jew Hatred grassroots civil rights movement, and its partners with the Atlanta Israel Coalition, gathered outside the venue in solidarity to protest Jew hatred and bigotry.

“It was eye opening to see how many people were unaware of Waters’ public antisemitic stance,” said Cheryl Dorchinsky, founder of AIC. “Our presence made a difference.”

She added that the group’s efforts helped enlighten many of Waters’ fans to the truth of the celebrity’s hatred toward Jews. Dorchinsky stated that she approached two men wearing kippot and shared the flyer, and they responded that this was their second time attending a Waters concert but with this new information it will be their last.

Since this story was published, Dorchinsky resigned from her position of director of community engagement for End Jew Hatred to focus on Atlanta Israel Coalition and her family.

Kaylene Ladinsky contributed to this article.

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