2023 Mother’s Day Tribute: Angie Frank Nothdurft
Linda Frank shares a tribute her to her daughter, Angie Frank Nothdurft.
I would love to do something outside of the box. With great honor and joy in my heart, I want to nominate my DAUGHTER Angie Frank Nothdurft for this award. Angie is one of those rare mixtures of everything every parent wants in a child.
She is an exquisite beauty inside and out and she does it all. I tell her everything she does, she gives 150 percent. She is a kind and caring daughter who would be there for us (her mom and dad) in a heartbeat. She is the kind of granddaughter who has always and now cherishes her grandparents. But oh what a mommy she is! She walks the walk and talks the talk. She has two amazing daughters who idolize her.
They want to be her. She works full time and yet finds the time to be with them, teach them, let them reach for their dreams, and she shows them how to be accepting and nonjudgmental of the world. She is a terrific wife and everyone else in her life can vouch for her. She has friendships that have spanned for years! It would honor us (HER mommy and daddy) to honor her.