A Chanukah Message from Cheryl Dorchinsky
For our annual Chanukah issue, we asked members of our community to share why they think it is so important for our Jewish community to, "Shine Our Light Bold and Bright."
Lately, it can feel as if we’re experiencing darker days. Antisemitism is on the rise again and has been directed towards our community simply because we are Jewish. Yet, the world’s oldest hatred is not the only thing which casts a shadow upon us; division amongst ourselves also threatens to dim the light.
When light reflects off objects, it enables us to know where we are. Light makes sense of shape and form. Therefore, light helps us to assess the threats or safety, of our environment. Light is crucial to our survival. No matter how small a flicker of light is, it is seen first and foremost before any darkness surrounding it.
The people of Israel were commissioned to be a light to the nations, for our own sake and for the sake of others. Let us resolve to be that light. Let us engage in random and senseless acts of kindness. Let us come together in unity. By attending a community event (that we don’t feel like going to), or hosting a Shabbat (when we are tired), or by extending friendship to someone who is alone (even if we don’t have time), we are drawn together and our light shines brighter.
May we all have a meaningful Festival of Lights! Chanukah Sameach!
Cheryl Dorchinsky is the executive director of Atlanta Israel Coalition, and social media influencer.