A Chanukah Message from Rabbi Micah Lapidus
Read community insights, advice and perspectives during Chanukah.
Rabbi Micah Lapidus is the director of Jewish and Hebrew studies at the Alfred & Adele Davis Academy.
One of the most resonant themes at The Davis Academy during this extraordinary year is #DavisTogether. Sometimes, instead of saying #DavisTogether, we use the Hebrew: #DavisB’yachad. B’yachad is, in fact, the Hebrew word for “together.” But B’yachad means something much deeper than the simple fact of being physically together. Connected to the Hebrew word Echad (meaning “one”) and the Hebrew word Achdut (meaning “unity”), B’yachad speaks to the quality of our togetherness. Simply stated, B’yachad means “as one.” It implies a unity of purpose, a deep and unbreakable solidarity, and a shared vision and purpose.
At The Davis Academy, we believe that our entire Jewish community (and our entire Atlanta community) are stronger B’yachad, when we recognize our interdependence, celebrate our shared vision and purpose, and join forces to bring more and renewed light into our world.
Rabbi Micah Lapidus, Ed.D., is the director of Jewish and Hebrew studies at The Davis Academy.