A Passover Message from Cheryl Dorchinsky

A Passover Message from Cheryl Dorchinsky

Members of the extended Atlanta Jewish community expresses their thoughts about the 2023 Passover holiday, using the prompt, "Unity Creates Community."

Cheryl Dorchinsky
Cheryl Dorchinsky

We as a Jewish people will soon celebrate Passover commemorating our ancestors’ Exodus from Egypt. A time in our history where Jews once again were being persecuted because of being who they are… Jewish.

With antisemitism on the rise around the globe, it is my hope and prayer that we all can work together as one voice and strengthen our love for not only the State of Israel but a love for our religion and culture. The heroes of our bible chose to keep their religion strong and left Egypt. It is our responsibility to try and imagine what that was like. What an incredible amount of faith, courage, and desire for freedom they must have had. For some, that was the only place they ever knew. Some must have worried as to what would happen if they were caught. The possibilities go on. It’s hard to imagine since today looks so different.

May we as a people be as courageous as they were and pursue a world where Anti-Zionism/Antisemitism is snuffed out. Let us unite and use our voices together.

May this Passover create a movement of where the words Psalm 133 will be put into practice. “How good it is for brothers and sisters to dwell together in unity.” Let us stamp out hate wherever it roots so our world is left a better place for all future generations.

Chag Pesach.

Cheryl Dorchinsky is the executive director of Atlanta Israel Coalition and social media influencer.

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