A Passover Message from Katie Gaffin

A Passover Message from Katie Gaffin

Atlanta Jewish Times staff wishes our community Happy Passover.

Katie Gaffin
Katie Gaffin

Holidays can be rough. I’ve been lucky to grow up with a large, close-knit (and very Southern to boot) family, but lately that family’s been shrinking. I don’t want to count because it makes me sad, but since October 2020 we’ve lost enough people to be in the double digits of empty seats at the table. We remember them and honor their legacy as well as we can, but memories are no substitute for their laughs, their smiles, or their same 10 stories you’ve heard a million times.

It’s hard to not get stuck in the past looking at Frances’ favorite chair being occupied by someone else, or the absence of Shirley’s signature spaghetti she brought to every family gathering, which I used to be sick of but now would give anything to have again. The weirdest little things will bring you right back to the beginning of grief (for me it was a conversation about mini fridges.)

While the loss of so many will never be easy, loving and being grateful for every moment I had with all of them comes naturally. Even when crying about mini fridges at Thanksgiving, I’m glad to have so many memories that keep everyone with me year-round. It’s a reminder that even though the holiday table has empty chairs, the people who used to fill them are still here with us. Even if we can’t see them.

Katie Gaffin is the Events & PR Coordinator for the Atlanta Jewish Times.

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